International Blondes’ Day at the 28 Cinema


On May 31, the international day of blondes, 28 Cinema decided to recall the bright and beautiful female representatives with the hair color, which is preferred by a large half of the male population of the planet.

"28 Cinema" prepared a wonderful surprise for all blondes who buy tickets on May 31.

Marilyn Monroe. It was Norma Gene Baker who first gave her brown hair a shade that is now called "platinum". To build her hair, she used, in her own words, "twelve hours of healthy sleep on five curlers."

The former Hollywood actress Grace Kelly, played by the refined blonde Nicole Kidman in the acclaimed film "Princess of Monaco" (see today at 28 Cinema). She broke heart of Alfred Hitchcock when she married the prince of Monaco. By the way, one of the most famous phrases of Hitchcock is "In order to get into my movie, you must be born blonde!"

According to a survey of some magazines, the sexiest blonde Hollywood actress was considered Scarlett Johansson. In addition to being an actress and model, Scarlett also began her career as a singer. Her appearance can be described as a "hot snow queen."

Paris Hilton. Questions like: "Who is Paris?" - can be asked only by a person who’s been absent from the planet Earth the last few years. Because all the other earthlings know who Paris is. The model, actress, singer, owner of factories, newspapers, steamships, for one appearance of which at a party, advertisers are ready to shell out up to 500 thousand dollars.

Uma Thurman. Two children, a successful career in film, a brilliant image. With her unique beauty, she catches everyone’s breath. It is pointless to try to imitate it, you can only frankly admire.

Pamela Anderson. Heavy, in a literal and figurative sense, the legacy of the 90's with their cult of consumption. Pamela Anderson is not an actress, but rather an appendix to her own bust.

Jennifer Aniston. Home girlfriend and favorite of all America!

Cameron Diaz. Cheerful, sweet and always young blonde, which we can see this summer in the movie "Home video. Only for adults. " See from August 7 in "28 Cinema".

For all other blondes in our country, which are not yet on our list, 28 Cinema prepared a surprise. Every blonde who buys a movie ticket on May 31 gets flowers as a gift!

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