"Amburan Mall" hosts opening of "CinemaPlus" theater


On July 31 the Caspian Sea coast hosted a grandiose opening of a modern and premium class CinemaPlus Amburan Mall theater, located in the village of Bilgah, the 1st floor of "Amburan Mall" shopping center.

Guests of the event were the stars of show business, famous journalists, bloggers, entrepreneurs and managers of large organizations.

The grandiose opening took place in the open air. Particular attention was attracted by the scenery, the arches with flowers, balloons and a huge airship. The final part of the event were a big cake and fireworks.

Attending the event, CEO of CinemaPlus theaters network, Zaur Darabzade and General Manager of "Amburan Mall" shopping center, Rajab Babayev congratulated the guests and delivered introductory speech. Also, Director of Repertory Planning for the theater network "CinemaPlus" Faig Kazimov.

The international company in field of quality control Intertek is one of the main partners.

Particularly, it should be noted that there are more than 500 cinema theaters in 44 countries of the world, designed by the Canadian company Mesbur + Smith Architects. And namely this company has completely designed CinemaPlus Amburan Mall theater.

CinemaPlus Amburan Mall theater consists of 3 halls that meet world standards. The halls were equipped with comfortable and high quality armchairs of Spanish production. In addition, CinemaPlus Amburan Malltheater applies Master İmage 3D technology.

VIP-hall audience will be able to watch movies in their seats with a personal table, they can order food and drinks during the film show. Also, while watching a movie, they can charge their cellphones using a special USB hardware installed on the seats.

Opportunities to give film fans unforgettable moment and a perfect vacation are not limited to this. Of course, the movie viewing and enjoyment inconceivable without a popcorn and soft drinks. For a pleasant and comfortable rest, the cinema theater offers varieties of popcorn, cotton candy and soft drinks with ice.

Sponsors of the event are: "Cinema Distribution", Avto FM, "Kevents Group", "Bolşoy prazdnik", AZZA, TNT and IDEAL Parfumery.

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