"CinemaPlus" hosted an event for the screening of the film "Voice of Love", dedicated to Celine Dion - PHOTO\VIDEO


An event was held at the premium cinema "CinemaPlus" located in the shopping center "Daniz Mall" to show the film "Voice of Love" about the life story of the famous Canadian singer Celine Dion.

At the event, young talented performers Vlada Akhundova and Elvin Novruzov (L'veen) sang live the famous songs of Celine Dion.

That evening, the guests of the cinema were show business stars, journalists, bloggers and entrepreneurs of large organizations.

The event was supported by: Beverly Hills restaurant, Light in Black creative company, Savalan Winery, Red Bull and Şeh Su.

The creator of the film, director, screenwriter and leading lady Valerie Lemercier is a long-time fan of the singer. For Lemercier, the story of her heroine, like that of Dion herself, is the path of becoming a strong talented woman who, despite many obstacles, no, does not cry at the window, but remains herself. A simple girl from a large Quebec family who knows how to love and be loved.

Starring characters are: Valerie Lemercier, Carol Weyers, Sylvain Marcel.

Briefly about the film: A famous producer finds a girl with a unique voice in the province: she has a great chance to become a star and become one of the most famous singers in the world. But there are many steps from a dream to its realization. And when love becomes the main thing in life, it is very difficult to go to the goal...

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