The premiere of the film "Geography Teacher" devoted to the missing persons in the Karabakh war took place in Baku


In the chain of premium cinemas «CinemaPlus» the premiere of a short feature film "Teacher of Geography" (Coğrafiya müəllimi) dedicated to the missing persons in the Karabakh war took place. The project was implemented by "Support of promotion of national values - Obyektiv" LLC with the financial support of the State Support Agency of NGOs.

The representatives of the State Commission for Prisoners of War, Missing and Taken Hostage Citizens, representatives of NGOs and public organizations, the creative team of the picture were attended to the event.

The film is based on the true stories and is dedicated to thousands of Azerbaijani citizens missing in the first Karabakh war. The project is presented in the Azerbaijani language with subtitles in English for foreign audiences as well.

The film tells the sensitive story of the life of the resident of Shusha, geography teacher Nasir Baghyrov, who in the year of the First Karabakh War voluntarily went to the front, and heroically fought, defending his native land from the Armenian aggressors, in May 1992, he disappeared during the occupation of Shusha. An interesting fact is that in the film the role of the main character was played by Nasir Bagirov’s own grandson, a student of the third grade of the secondary school No.167, whose name is also Nasir Bagirov. This school is named after his missing grandfather. Moreover, the narration in the film comes on behalf of the child - the son of the hero.

The film is directed by Honored Journalist Mubariz Askerov, Director is Khayyam Abdullazade, Production Operator-Director is Ahmed Barasov, Production Designer-Artist is Vugar Gurbanov, Composer is Azer Hajiaskerli. Starring characters are Aysel Yusukova, Ismail Kerimov, Guldeste Gasymova, Elshan Shakir, Ayten Gasymova, and others.

After the public viewing, the participants of the event shared their thoughts about the work on the project, and expressed their thoughts about the ongoing events. The organizers of the project were thanked on behalf of the Bagirov family. Speakers noted that Azerbaijan lived glorious times when under the leadership of victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev our ancient historical lands from 30-year Armenian occupation were liberated, historical justice, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the State were restored.

The whole Azerbaijani people were observing with the great pride President Ilham Aliyev raised the State flag of Azerbaijan in Khankendi, Agdere, Khojavend, Khojaly and Askeran on October 15. We experienced the same feelings three years ago when our flag was raised in Shusha, Lachin, Agdam, Kalbajar and other cities.

Unfortunately, however, the fate of about 4,000 of our citizens who disappeared during the first Karabakh war still remains unknown. The mass graves found in the liberated territories of the country testify to the heinous crimes of the Armenian aggressors. The NGO State Support Agency will continue supporting the successful projects on missing persons. The Agency as one of the main directions announced the competitions for 2024 will prioritize initiatives related to the fate of missing persons, prisoners and hostages, work with their families, project proposals for joint protection of the rights and freedoms of this category of persons in different countries of the world.

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