The Eternals, Based on Marvel Comics, presented in CinemaPlus - VIDEO


The chain of the premium cinemas “CinemaPlus” has started showing the American superhero action movie called "The Eternals" based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe comics.

If earlier the events of the universe revolved around the stones of infinity and the plan of Thanos, later it is the "Eternals" where the main plot for all the following films is set.

The film is directed by Chloe Zhao. Starring characters are Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden, Salma Hayek and Kit Harington. Duration is 180 minutes. Age limit is 16+

Briefly about the film: In the new blockbuster MARVEL, viewers will meet a new team of creatures with superhuman abilities, also known as the Eternals. For millennia, they lived among humans, protecting them and guiding the development of human civilization, until an unexpected tragedy forced the Eternals to emerge from the shadows to confront one of the most ancient enemies of humans.

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