The сinema network of «CinemaPlus» is the largest " Indoor " advertising platform in Baku


Nowadays going to cinema is not a plan, but a daily rest for every third resident of Baku. It's not a secret that considering the unstable economic situation, the constant fluctuation of the foreign exchange rate and other facts that affect the development of the habit of "economizing" led to the fact that the cinemas have already become a place for cheap but very high-quality recreation.

Not without reason going to cinemas is called "the product of the crisis ".

Today the cinema network of «CinemaPlus» is the largest network of active cinemas in Baku.

We can particularly highlight the next ones:

«CinemaPlus 28 Mall» « CinemaPlus Ganjlik Mall » and «CinemaPlus Azerbaijan”. Just theses cinemas together occupy more than half of the market. The daily turnover of viewers in these cinemas is more than 4000 people. And all of these people come to cinema, not just to watch a film, but to completely break away from reality for two hours, that is to say to watch an interesting film, eat a delicious popcorn and drink refreshing drinks.

But in addition to showing films, sports tournaments, the cinema also provides a wide range of high-quality advertising services. You are getting ready to watch a film, and all of a sudden you are going in a world of strong sound, a huge screen and interesting advertising that acts on your subconscious.

Do you compare advertisements in the cinema and TV? Take a remote control and turn it off . Or maybe radio advertising? Listening to music is better. Maybe just a bad mood hinders watching ads on TV and on the radio? In the cinema " CinemaPlus " the viewer will definitely not be in a bad mood, because people intentionally come to us for resting. And the brain, which is in the relaxed state, will accept the advertisement in 2.5 times more positive than all other times when it is under stress

Regarding the specific advertising media, we can highlight:

  1. Advertising before the movie
  2. Large and small light posters
  3. Branding of the hall (this is when the hall is called the brand name)
  4. Brandingof popcorn glasses
  5. Sempling of various kinds

We can also compare " outdoor " advertising and " indoor " advertising.




Features of advertising impact


High priority to flows of people, not individual customers. In this regard, the effect of advertising is spread over a large sample

Focus on an individual, respectively, by dint of the right choice of media the contacts with the target audience have a better quality

Duration of the contact

Prolonged only if there are traffic jams and waiting at stops

There are all conditions for "forced" guaranteed contact, more opportunities for prolonged contact:queues in front of the cash register, escalators, armchairs in the halls, monitors, etc.


New technologies rarely appear, since outdoor carriers are already in demand by advertisers

Constantly there are non-standard media (advertising on escalator and conveyor tapes, interactive advertising, etc.), as it is important to stand out for indoor-media to remain in demand by advertisers,

Dependence on weather

It depends on a situation. A clear sunny day is desirable

It does not depend on anything. On the contrary bad weather conditions create new opportunities for internal advertising

Other limiting factors

Limitations on the content and appearance of advertising are set by law. For example, there is no ability to advertise alcohol products, tobacco, drugs. There is a ban on placing advertising flags.

Limitations on the placement of advertising are set by the owners of points. For example, the owner of points can refuse to place advertising only because he/she does not like your brand.

Do not hesitate to the e-mail address marketing @ cinemaplus . az or call +994 12 4998988 to contact the marketing department of the cinema network of " CinemaPlus "

Look, relax and place!

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